Characters Idea in One Night At Aymane's 1 2 3 and 4

This the One Night At Aymane's 1 2 3 and 4 Commentry @Primarinamermaidseal14 @MelodyRacer there

My New Winnie the Pooh OC - Prickle the Hedgehog

Polly the Pirate Parrot

Seanky Cheedar Oits and Max

My Winnie the Pooh OC - Lamby the Sheep

Fawntina the Fox (My New Banana Splits OC)

Those are Evil Fruity Evil Poppy and Evil Nebbulator those are Fruity Poppy and Nebbulator Evil Clones

This IS Evil Jeremy and Evil Melody

Those are Jeremy and Melody's Evil Clones

The Original Gang

Roger and Candy

Anton the Owl